People apply for personal loans as they can do whatever they want financially after availing them. Choices are many when someone applies for those loans. For instance, options are there, whether to go for secured personal loans or unsecured ones.
Secured loans are the form of long-term personal loans. You can obtain these loans for more extensive funding, like up to £50000, for a longer duration of up to 84 months or more. Of course, you will get loans on the lower interest rates, as you have convinced the lender by providing an asset to secure the borrowing amount.
Probably, the risk of losing the asset if they default in between the loan term, is what tempts individuals to go for unsecured personal loans. A big sigh of relief for them…Yes, they do not need to put collateral against the loan amount. What do they get in contrast? A higher interest rate! It is a reality of the loan marketplace, although a bitter one.
Nonetheless, most locals of the UK prefer these short-term loans over secured ones. The most surprising thing is that the preference has been on getting unsecured loans from direct lenders in the UK, not the mainstream lending institutions. What are the reasons? We will talk later on another blog.
Here, our primary focus is on explaining the restrictions which you may face while opting for unsecured loans. Before that, I would like to brief you on some of the advantages of these loans.
Advantages of Unsecured Loans from Direct Lenders
Every loan has its own benefits according to the individual circumstances. At the same time, it is not necessary that a loan will be beneficial for everyone. An unsecured loan may favour a person, but it may not suit another’s financial circumstances because the requirements will be different.
Still, it is my onus to familiarise you with some of the advantages of unsecured loans before explaining the possible restrictions. Here are the loan benefits:-
- The most significant point about these loans is that your asset remains with you only, as the lender does not need it;
- Interest rates may be higher, but you can find out the most competitive deal as many lenders provide these loans, and you have ample choice to choose among them;
- Since there is no involvement of collateral, the lender can work on your loan application quickly. Therefore, it is considered among the best funding options during a financial emergency;
- You can have the loan approval despite having a poor credit score. Unsecured loans allow a small amount, and direct lenders do not hesitate to offer such an amount despite the low credit rating of the applicant.
Restrictions of Unsecured Loans from Direct Lenders
The advantages of unsecured loans may be many, but you can overlook the possible limitations of loans as well. If you do so, then you may struggle later to repay, and that will affect your credit score further.
Without stretching unnecessarily, let us discuss the restrictions attached to these no-collateral loans in the UK:-
- No possibility of fetching a large amount
First and foremost, you need to know that these loans are for only a tiny amount. You cannot expect to get a large amount to avail of a larger loan amount. For that, secured loans are a much better option. Therefore, most financial experts suggest going for unsecured loans during a funding urgency.
It is suitable for you also. Suppose you have to do a significant home improvement but do not have enough funds. If you apply for unsecured loans, then your application will only be denied. Instead, you can utilise these loans to fill the small funding gap while renovating your home. Here, these loans work best for you.
- You have to agree on a high interest rate
You have no choice but to agree on the higher interest rates on unsecured loans. You are bound to this if you want a deal on these loans. There are two reasons. First, you have not provided collateral, as there is no need for it. Second, you are asking for a small amount, and the loan term will be smaller.
Lenders often feel insecure because of these two reasons. They have nothing to grab if the borrowers do not make the monthly instalments. At the same time, they want to generate their income with interest rates only. It is where secured loans score higher than unsecured ones.
- Rules and regulations are strict
It is due to payday loans or their forms that the concerned authority has put stricter rules and regulations on most short-term funding options. There is no surprise to see unsecured loans among that list. As mentioned above, lenders generate income through interest rates, so a few of them tend to put higher rates, which sometimes borrowers are unable to pay. Later, they impose specific fees to get more income from small loans.
To avoid this practice, the authority has obtained strict norms and instructed the lenders to offer only affordable loans. Therefore, Cashloans2go responsibly offers unsecured loans with direct lender facilities in the UK for affordable amounts only. You can easily pay back the borrowed sum, and that will put a good impression on to your credit score.
At last, unsecured personal loans are undoubtedly the better option during urgency or the need to fill the funding gap. Of course, you have been relieved from the compulsion of arranging an asset equal to the value of the loan amount. Simultaneously, restrictions are also there, which you cannot avoid. In fact, knowing them will allow you to choose the correct and affordable loan deal.
Hi everyone, I am Lukas Thomas. I am a professional writer and author with having specialisation in the UK financial sector. I have more than 13 years of experience as the financial writer and hope it will continue longer. I have done my post-graduation in Masters of Business Administration (MBA) in Finance. Currently, I am performing my responsibility as a Senior Loan Expert in Fundingpeer, which is the fastest-growing online direct lending company. My job is to prepare borrower-friendly loan deals as per the company’s guidelines. I also write research-based blogs for the company’s official website. You can read them and gain knowledge on any loan product.